Bible en ligne : Traductions en français LEXILOGOS
The Holy Bible - Gasl -Gesellschaft der Arno-Schmidt-Leser The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared & Revised Set forth in 1611 and commonly known as the King James Version . The Old Testament . The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis [Genesis] 1 The Creation In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and Multi Version Bible for Windows 10 - Free download … 01/06/2017 · Is a Multi Version of the Bible, It contains different version of the Bible. The following versions are included in the app, Kings James Version, New King James Get Bible - Microsoft Store en-CA 24/02/2012 · What’s new in this version. 2.0.1: - Translation updates - Minor bug fixes on various devices 2.0: - The Bible App for Win8 is new and improved! Update: - Recompiled app using RTM version of Windows 8 and Visual Studio Update: - Miscellaneous enhancements Update: - Added German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese The Bible App - YouVersion
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Freebox : choisissez la Freebox Révolution ou la Freebox mini 4K ! Offres Internet ADSL2+, VDSL 2 ou Fibre optique, Téléphone et Télévision. Louis Segond 1910 (French) LSG - Bible Study Tools Louis Segond French Bible - (October 3, 1810 – June 18, 1885), was a Swiss theologian who translated the Bible into French from the original texts in Hebrew and Greek. He was born in Plainpalais, near Geneva. After studying theology in Geneva, Strasbourg and Bonn, he was pastor of the Geneva National Church in Chêne-Bougeries, then from 1872, Professor of Old Testament in Geneva. YouVersion: Creating experiences to encourage & … YouVersion creates biblically centered, relevant experiences that encourage people to seek God every day: The Bible App, Bible App for Kids, Bible Lens e-Sword: Free Bible Study for the PC e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free Bible study app. The fact that e-Sword is free is just one of the blessings and does not speak of the quality of the app. Below you'll find a list of features that you will discover helps make
Louis Segond French Bible - (October 3, 1810 – June 18, 1885), was a Swiss theologian who translated the Bible into French from the original texts in Hebrew and Greek. He was born in Plainpalais, near Geneva. After studying theology in Geneva, Strasbourg and Bonn, he was pastor of the Geneva National Church in Chêne-Bougeries, then from 1872, Professor of Old Testament in Geneva.
• King James: traduction française de la Bible anglaise, (1535) (ou version e-rara) • La Bible en la quelle sont contenus tous les livres canoniques, de la sainte escripture, tant du Vieil et du Nouveau Testament, et pareillement les Apocryphes (1540) seconde édition de la Bible traduite par Olivétan (ou version e-rara) • La Saincte Bible nouvellement translatée de latin en Download amplified bible for laptop for free … Download amplified bible for laptop for free. Home & Hobby software downloads - PC Study Bible - Amplified Bible by Biblesoft and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Les Premières Lettres de Paul ... - Free Bible Commentary 1. Le texte Grec de la United Bible Society est actuellement dans sa quatrième édition révisée (UBS4). La mise en paragraphes de ce texte a été l’œuvre des chercheurs modernes. 2. La New King James Version (NKJV) est une traduction littérale mot-à-mot, basée sur la tradi-tion des manuscrits Grecs connue sous le nom de Textus